Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Highlights of Learning during the March 6 Class Session

There are four person were assigned to do demo for different teaching strategy. These are the last group would like to present before the end of the semester. Their topic is also interesting and important for the teaching ministry. But at this time I would like my reaction and reflection for our visitors who shares his ministry year experience two years ago. He shares seven points and it is a sort of reminders for us.
            First he shares about classroom management. For him it is good to make a solid foundation at the very first day of the class. For example be your best as you look your best and use your identity as a seminarian for your own good. I agree with this because I believe first impression last. Ones the student feel that their teacher is strict then it follows to call their respect and this will slowly establish as the days goes by. The other one is govern your classroom well and mold your classroom officers to their task and responsibilities. I expect that ten months in the ministry year I will experience burn out in doing my task and responsibilities that is why I need companions. One of these companions is my own students.
            Second is management beyond the bounds of classroom. It is very important to set clear and firm boundaries. A teacher needs this because he/she may involve many forms of relationships. He must deal with students, parents, co-teachers and principal. In this relationship he must maintained dealing with them professionally. The concrete example of this is the student-teacher relationship.
            Third is work with the admin, faculty and all other staff. He must remember that he is already a member of the faculty, respect and obedience is high observes. One manifestation of showing respect and obedience is being open to the admin and let them now of your official whereabouts. The other one is spend enough time with old and new members of the faculty and staff.
            Fourth is when things get tough, stand your ground and rest is not an option, it is a necessity. You know by heart the school manual. Be courageous to hold on to the good that you see. But please always remember to express it in a prudent way. The other one, take time to rest and recreate but be careful of the kind of recreation you chose. Always remember your identity wherever you go. Be sensitive of the moments that lead to different temptation.
            Fifth is the value of body system. There are times that you need someone’s advice and sometimes someone also needs your advice. Being connected to those in the area is very helpful in times of difficulties.
            Sixth is spirituality on the ground. When you are in the area don’t forget to pray, attend mass at least one’s a week and do examine every day. This will always remind and guide you in making good and right decision in life.
            Seventh are, you needed to visit your spiritual director and guidance counselor. We need someone to listen to us in our spiritual and human experience.    
            In my overall assessment I learned a lot from the sharing of Brother Eric in his sharing. It is very helpful for my ministry year. I can be more aware what to do to be an affective teacher during my ministry year.       

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