Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Good Classroom Management

Good Classroom Management

In the real world, students come from all walks of life. They all have problems, and some do not deal well with stress or conflict. I care about my students, but the number one reason they come to school is to learn. They are tested to make sure that I taught them the values, so order must be kept in the classroom. Of course, students know the classroom rules and school rules. The boundaries are set before work begins. Not all strategies work with every student.
Five Top Strategies to Keep Students Learning in a Calm Classroom Environment
5 – Keep the lesson moving.
4 – Don’t lecture for the whole period.
3 – Talk to your students.
2 -- When students are being disruptive by talking, poking, pulling or crumpling paper, and go    stand by them.
1 – When you have stood by the student, talked to the student and kept them busy with lessons, and they still are disruptive, take them in the hallway. Ask them, “Are you OK?”
If they are not actively engaged in the lesson, they will become actively engaged in something else – disruptive behavior.

February 13, 2013
Fourth Students of Southfield Bugo.
I.                OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the class, the students should be able to…
1.     Acknowledge and express their feelings particularly love.
2.     Distinguish the conditional and unconditional love.
3.     Identify who are the tax collector, Samaritan, lepers and other people considered as an outcast to our society.

Bible, LCD, video clips, bond paper, index card

III.            PRAYER


Lead by one of the students.


            Start with a question about prayer. Then discuss that love is the greatest virtue of all. Love is an essential for every Christian. Jesus Himself concretely lived the virtue of love until the end of His public ministry. He relates to tax collector, Samaritan, lepers and other people considered as an outcast to their society.
            There are two kind of love. These are conditional and unconditional. The conditional love is usually governed with self-interest and personal intention. The common statement of this kind of love is “I love you because” it depends again the reason of the person who express. The unconditional love is a genuine and true love. It has no limit and boundary. The common statement of this kind of love is “I love you in spite of” it surpass beyond what situation and circumstances.
            To bring you in a specific context on how this unconditional love concretely manifested in our society today I will show you a video clips that will help you understand this concept.


1.     Nine minutes video presentation (Bridgemaster)…
2.     After the video presentation run through one word to describe their feelings about the video.
3.     Then for five minutes they draw one thing that represents their love to God (for other religions please refer it to your God) and love to their parents.
4.     Below your drawing, please give at least one reason why you choose that thing.
5.     Then if you are done please pass it to the front

The video we watched is parallel to the message of John 3: 16 “For God so loved the world that gave he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him may not lost, but may have everlasting life.” The Father in the movie portrayed the role as God the Father, the son portrayed the role of Jesus and the passenger of the train portrayed the role of the people.

IV.            ASSIGNMENT

Five lucky students will present their drawings about love tomorrow. These are the following guide questions:

1.     Explain why you choose that particular thing?
2.     How is that related to your relationship to your God?

Choose two students to lead the opening and the closing prayer.

V.              EVALUATION

Ask any comments or reaction from the class. If there is none then post some challenges to reflect on.


1.     God is willing to give the life of his Son because of His love to the people. In your life as a student are you willing also to give yourself in your studies? Are you willing to give yourself to God?


            Lead by one of the students.

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